MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

They say it's time off. We'll know the truth later when he does or does not return.

MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

The strange character strings often found in Q posts look a lot like auto generated passwords.

What a clever way to share a password. Out in the open for anyone to see. But still useless unless you know where and how to use it.

MisprisionIsEvil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nikki stayed in the race, even after it was clear that nobody was going to oust Trump. And she's still running. It's almost as if she believes that Trump, one way or another, will not be available. The deep state's choice for GOP candidate.

MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +3 / -1

I would very much like to hear the speech Trump was going to give before they tried to murder him. I fear he has become somewhat conciliatory. Which I certainly understand. He has children and grand children which makes him vulnerable.

Eventually, the good guys need to act. We all know what needs to be done, but will they do it (can they do it) or will they continue to play this foolish game?

We've already seen that the cabal will murder millions. What more do they need to see? Trump dead? A major US city nuked? What?

MisprisionIsEvil 1 point ago +1 / -0

These nit wits who go to work for the cabal never learn. They're always dispatched once they have been used up. If you're a sniper or a President you get the same retirement package.

MisprisionIsEvil 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump is a world class CEO. He is an executive. That means his job is to get things done. To execute plans.

One of the techniques an executive uses is to make people uncomfortable so they'll act. They ask hard questions. They put people on the spot. They make things uncomfortable and awkward. People interpret this as being mean. But it isn't. It's being an executive 101.

When you have a run in with one of these types, you reexamine your life choices. Not fun, but it will make you better.

People hate Trump because they are ignorant of how things actually work because they've NEVER seen it before. It normally happens behind closed doors in high level meetings. But Trump does it out in the open.

MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe Space Force force does have the evidence. Trump told us he caught them and only he could have done it. I think he was talking about Space Force. Which, BTW, he created very early in his first term. At the time I noted that as very odd and wondered what he was up to.

Game theory, which is allegedly the driving force of the plan, seems to lack a moral component and looks only at the objectives. If death and destruction helps you win, long term, it's a go. I think this is bad. But I seem to be nearly alone in that.

I hope the nearly successful assassination attempt lit a fire under Q and Q+ and they realize they need to up their game, significantly. There's only one way to beat the cabal. Will they do it?

MisprisionIsEvil 3 points ago +3 / -0

Biden is just too far gone to cover it up now. Even the retards who think he's the greatest president ever were starting to see it.

If re-elected, he would have had to retire or be 25thed out shortly. They had no future with Biden because he has no future.

But Harris is the worst candidate ever. Shockingly so. So now they're in a bind. They have only three full months to resolve this. But I'm confident in Obama's ability to do shady stuff.

MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +3 / -1

It hasn't happened yet. And they very nearly got Trump on the 13th. And they won't stop trying. Quit trying to police other people. I'm tired of people whining about doomers.

MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Elon is right. War is young men who don't know each other, killing each other for old men who do know each other.

And, I add that the old men ALWAYS make money from it.And it's all sanctified by waving the flag. The children and widows pay for it all.

MisprisionIsEvil 3 points ago +3 / -0

The good guys left the bad guys in the game, and this happened.

The white hats are not omnipotent or omniscient.

MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nikki stayed in because she wanted to be there....just in case. Wink, wink.

And Nuland, with a smirk, stated Trump wouldn't be President, only days before the 13th.

MisprisionIsEvil 1 point ago +1 / -0

The truth needs to come out. Not be covered up. No excuses. Maybe everything the FBI and CIA have done should be zapped. Maybe it's all fraud.

MisprisionIsEvil 4 points ago +4 / -0

Declare the Federal Reserve an enemy of the people. Repudiate the debt and take their money. Done.

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