The black stone of Mecca?
Sounds like a standard 18 year old voice to me.
The Trump card is this: Biden is illegitimate. His entire Presidency will become null and void, including these pardons. Perhaps Obama, too.
'By the time we're finished with Obama, he'll claim Kenyan citizenship...' Q
Some people can't handle the implications of certain truths. For example, if certain things are true, then our government is a massive criminal organization. And that's too much for many. They'll reject any truth that leads to that conclusion.
This is an insult.
Hunter gets a pardon. Congress deals. F#%&Y$%^Q. Some ARE indeed above the law.
So, can I pull shit and get a deal, too, so I don't have to go to prison?
Oh, I see, this is for OUR good.
As if they wrote it down?
Yep. Sure could.
Biden, being exposed as a fraud, is the Trump card that beats everything.
Perhaps we do. Perhaps we also have proof he was not eligible to run, and party bosses, Democrat and GOP, knew it.
The Trump card that beats Presidential pardons.
Justice Brown will be gone, and all the Judges Biden appoint. All to be replaced by Donald Trump.
That's dark, man. 😆 🤣
When election fraud is proven, what happens to everything Biden did as a fraudulent President?
Why do people think he can't take the 5th? There are crimes not covered by the pardon. Of course he can take the 5th.
It's just for show. Nothing has changed. It will all be forgotten as we move on to the next outrage. You know this is true.
Don't be. Biden is illegitimate. The pardon will last until Biden is exposed by military intelligence as a cheater. Then it's over.
People keep missing this. Even here.
Trump won't, but the military will.
If nothing can stop what's coming, that means pardons can't stop what's coming. Biden is illegitimate and AFTER all the truth comes out, then his pardons will be set aside. This is killer. What they think will save them will destroy them.
When the pardon is annulled, because Biden stole the election and is illegitimate, well, it's going to be a bad day for Hunter. Like the worst nightmare he ever had.
The Trump card is this: Biden stole the election and is therefore illegitimate and his pardons are null and void. Nothing can stop what's coming, not even Presidential pardons.
All of the judges Biden appointed will be removed and replaced by Trump. Including the idiot Brown.
If Biden stole the election, and he did, his pardons aren't legit.
Yes, but when it is proven that the election was stolen, Biden's pardons are null and void.
Biden is a multimillionaire, demented, has his favorite son protected. Think he gives a hoot about any of this? If he thinks about it at all, he'll just laugh at those son's of bitches. That's us, BTW.