posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +29 / -0

Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the LORD; I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, in a land that was not sown. — Jeremiah 2:2

When I was younger, I always felt as though our nation’s history was so much more. the older I get, the more I realize that all of the stories I learned about were not so long ago. In it’s almost 250 years, our nation has gone through a lot of things.

Since our nation was formed, it has continued to transform year after year. Once from a fragile, humble beginning, we became what most regard as the greatest nation to ever exist. I would agree that our nation is great, blessed by God who was the centerpiece of our nation’s creation. But the nation that used to be united under One God is no longer the nation it used to be.

The nation of Israel was no stranger to change and transformation either. They experienced turmoil and growth like any other nation. There was always something they had that others didn’t: the favor of God. I believe the same could be said for the United States as well.

But our nation has been at an interesting point for many years. What used to be a nation united under one God is now a nation divided beyond measure. A nation that continues down a path where God is almost a non-existent part of it.

We can think back of all the many blessings that God has bestowed on our nation. I wonder if God thinks of our nation the way He talked of Israel here. That He remembered when they walked with Him, followed Him, and lived for Him?

Our nation needs God now more than ever. God has blessed us for many years, but our nation has changed. Many no longer want God as part of it. If the United States doesn’t turn back to God, we may soon be a nation without God. Today, take a moment to pray that God continue to bless our nation and guide the hearts of the people to turn back to Him once again!
