posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +19 / -1

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages.”

Theres something weird about all of this.

From the moment Joe Biden shuffled onto the stage, i literally stopped it right there, and re-wound it so i could see it again. Something about it was very off. very unreal.

Then Trump walked on stage, with a cool, confident stride that also looked unreal. Trumps gait was un-natural for Trump.

I wasnt 2 minutes into the debate, and i was searching twix for “cnn AI”

And sure enough, a whole lot of other users were saying the same thing.

wife even commented, it couldn’t have been AI because they wouldnt have made Joe look so bad…


What if that was the entire point of the AI ?

To make Joe look worse than he really is.

He really looked like shit.

Trump’s skin was remarkably natural and healthy looking. Another dead give-away as they would always tint his skin orange like orange man bad.

Biden’s skin looked thin and translucent and old and off-white greyish like E Jean Carroll’s skin.

I think they are setting up Hillary Clinton for another run, but not installing her until last moment, to keep the spotlight off of her, and keep the pre-election dirt-digging on her to a minimum.

Also, they are probably looking for a way to get Hillary a decent VP on the ticket.

I don’t think Kamala is very well liked, but they have to pretend shes fine for the DEI image.

So they could have Joe step down, and there be some time wasted pretending within this fake democrat party democracy about who the replacement will be.

And as they slide Hillary in, they also install a new VP without mentioning Kamala at all. They will just say they wanted to move ahead with some fresh faces. Actually that line won’t work because Hillarys face isn’t fresh so focus group test that one.

Trouble is, if Joe resigns his campaign, does he also resign his office of POTUS?

If Joe resigns office, Kamala becomes first woman president, installed by DEI and Joes resignation

Hillary would never stand for that.

Maybe Hillary picks Kamala as VP?

That gets Kamala out of the POTUS race.

Gives Kamala a consolation prize

Gives Kamala 8 more years of grooming

I bet Joe resigns his campaign, to let Hillary move forward,

But Joe doesn’t resign his office, effectively cock-blocking Kamala, which allows Hillary another chance to be first female POTUS, austensibly by her own merit, and not the same old woke DEI crap that gave women the right to vote the first place