291 They don't print votes in the middle of the night. They collect and tabulate millions of votes, by hand and on paper, in within hours. And yet still the globalists win? How? Special rules. Here's how the electoral system in France is gamed: (media.scored.co) 🐸 WAG THE FROG 🐸 posted 7 months ago by catsfive 7 months ago by catsfive +291 / -0 32 comments share 32 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Am I sticking my own post? No, I am sticking a post from PDW that should have been here hours ago. LFG! 🐸🐸🐸
Thank you for posting it. It is a great explanation
Well hey, this post is good!
Good sticky decision. These European elections are confusing the heck out of the rest of us. And now, sad as it is, the whole thing seems stupid, not confusing.