Have you tried going to an organization to help with the claim, like the DAV (Disabled American Veterans)? Have helped several veterans now with getting their disability/cannot confirm or deny that I or members of this team is/are veterans. But, definitely check out DAV if you haven't, or talk to people at your local Vet Center who may be able to help you with your claim. And yes, it does take years... unfortunately. Hang in there. If you are already getting assistance from an organization, such as the DAV, and are not getting much luck with them, I suggest speaking to another organization for assistance. Sometimes it just depends on your case manager, and other times, it is just a matter of the doctors who are reviewing you. Until you get your disability, just go to the VA constantly and get seen for the issues--the more you show that your disability is affecting you and your ability to function, the stronger your claim will be. Thank you for your service, and good luck.
Have you tried going to an organization to help with the claim, like the DAV (Disabled American Veterans)? Have helped several veterans now with getting their disability/cannot confirm or deny that I or members of this team is/are veterans. But, definitely check out DAV if you haven't, or talk to people at your local Vet Center who may be able to help you with your claim. And yes, it does take years... unfortunately. Hang in there. If you are already getting assistance from an organization, such as the DAV, and are not getting much luck with them, I suggest speaking to another organization for assistance. Sometimes it just depends on your case manager, and other times, it is just a matter of the doctors who are reviewing you. Until you get your disability, just go to the VA constantly and get seen for the issues--the more you show that your disability is affecting you and your ability to function, the stronger your claim will be. Thank you for your service, and good luck.