TL;DR (Schedule is critical. See below)
4000mg L-lysine/ day total, taken in (2 separate) 2000mg doses on empty stomach or w/ a bit of juice/toast/carbs. NO protein for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Lysine doses.
L-lysine absorption is impaired by protein. (Via amino competition)
4000mg Vitamin C/ day total, taken in (2 separate) 2000mg doses on empty stomach or w/ protein meal. NO Carbs for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Vitamin C doses.
Vitamin C absorption is impaired by carbs. (Via glucose competition)
Lysine and L-lysine are the same thing. It is a constituent of protein, naturally occurring and cheap.
Vitamin C made out of fruit extracts, etc. is probably best because it's natural. I've read that capsules are preferable over hard-pressed pills for absorption.
NO time release/buffered Vitamin C.
Vitamin C can be hard on an empty stomach so some protein like deli meat is recommended.
The goal is 2x daily maximum blood concentration of each.
How I completely cleared out my father-in-law's arteries in 4-weeks. His scheduled Heart Stent procedure: Cancelled.
In 2011, my 47yo FIL was diagnosed with heart disease (atherosclerosis) after a heart attack and had one stent put in. He smoked a pack a day and drank a 12 pack of Pepsi a day.
He plays golf 4+ times per week w/ his friends. In summer 2015 he began getting out of breath playing golf. It got to a point where he was too tired to do more than 9 holes. After another month he was too tired to golf at all. Doctor did a heart scan 'with contrast' and found 3 blockages between 70% and 90%. His left ventricle ejection fraction was barely 40%. Doctor scheduled heart stent surgery (technically regarded as non-surgical).
When I heard about his situation I immediately asked him to postpone the procedure for four weeks. He couldn't even work in his condition and he was very afraid to have such bad heart problems at only 51 so this was a big ask but knows that I am a strange breed when it comes to separating signal from noise when it comes to obscure research like this so he trusted me.
I put him on the Linus Pauling therapy exactly as stated above. You could add more shit to it (that might fuck with the absorption) but I'm telling you here what worked. TWICE.
I wrote out a schedule for him and he took it religiously for four weeks. Four weeks later, during the stent procedure, the doctor said his arteries were "clean as a whistle." Then the doc sort of got worried because he thought it was SO IMPOSSIBLE. He checked to see if his office might have made a mistake and mixed up heart scans with another patient. Upon further checking, there was no mistake.
Before, my father in law was 51, average build, active and couldn't walk across the room without getting out of breath. One week into the LP therapy he was playing 9 holes again. Two weeks in and he already felt 100% normal. Went back to work feeling years younger with more energy.
Now here's the Encore: 3 years after the above
After his first scheduled heart stent procedure was concluded with NO stents put in, he immediately stopped the treatment and didn't do it again.
Flash forward to 2018 after continuing (he never even quit during the therapy) to smoke now TWO packs a day and drink a 12 pack of Pepsi a day; the same thing happened only worse. He noticed it again when he was too tired to go more than 9 holes. Days later, he passed out on the green and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. The next day a scan with contrast showed very clearly 3 blockages, 2 @ 80% and the 3rd was near total blockage. His left ventricle ejection fraction was 20%. This is approaching heart failure. 54 years old.
His cardiologist scheduled emergency stent surgery and a mechanical 'rotor-rooter' type procedure for the following Monday. FIL tried to buy time w/ the Doc so he could do the treatment again. Doc said any more than 2 weeks would be life-threatening.
FIL call me up to ask the dosage/schedule again. Two weeks later on 'procedure' day the same thing happened. Catheter scope/camera up the groin artery all the way to his heart. Camera sees NO blockages in the first 2 spots and only 20% in the one that was at near total blockage 15 days prior.
Doc abruptly ended the procedure with nothing needing to be done. ZERO STENTS AGAIN. The cardiac catheter camera was pulled from his groin and the doctor left the room.
As the nurses were wrapping everything up, the Doc and an unknown colleague (Doctor?) came back in with notepads and started asking questions. His ejection fraction was tested a few weeks later. It rose from ~20% to almost 70%.
TO BE CLEAR, two separate times the blockages were clearly visible and he was out of breath walking more than 30 feet. Two separate times he was on the table so to speak, with a cardiac catheter up his groin all the way to his heart and (after this therapy) both times there was nothing there and the catheter was withdrawn without mounting a single stent. It's now been 9+ years since the first time. He does two weeks of this regimen a few times a year and the problems have never returned.
SCHEDULE: Do not skip!
Before you take a single pill:
For yourself and for God,
My FIL's dose and meal schedule was:
7am: 2000mg Vitamin C on empty stomach or w/ small protein meal. NO carbs 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
9am: 2000mg L-lysine on empty stomach or w/ a some juice/toast/carbs. NO protein 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
Noon to 5pm eat whatever.
8pm: 2000mg Vitamin C on empty stomach or w/ small protein meal. NO carbs 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
10pm: 2000mg L-lysine on empty stomach or w/ a some juice/toast/carbs. NO protein 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
If you have a different sleep schedule, it's totally acceptable to take the 7am & 9am doses a few hours earlier/later, Or likewise move the 8pm & 10pm doses a few hours earlier/later respectively.
9am vitamin C.
11am Lysine.
1pm to 4pm eat whatever.
6pm vitamin C.
8pm Lysine
The HOW & WHY:
Linus Pauling, -the only one ever to win TWO unshared Nobel Prizes -invented this therapy when he discovered that the calcifications inside arteries featured a molecular "lysine binding site". This means Lysine gently but rapidly melts away blockages (atherosclerosis) like a sugar cube in hot coffee. No big pieces dislodge which could cause a stroke. By the way this therapy works for any blockages anywhere in the body.
The vitamin C helps heal the endothelial layer inside the arteries. Here's a mystery the medical establishment has never explained to you: Why do "clogs" start in larger arteries subjected to the highest mechanical load (pumping) rather than the itty-bitty single blood cell wide capillaries? Any plumbers here?
Heart pumping produces higher mechanical load on all the stereotypical points where blockages are typically found. It doesn't take a medical degree to see the wisdom in the above, just like it doesn't take a math degree to see the logic in 2+2 = 4. Linus Pauling saw that.
This causes microtears in the single-cell-thick interior of the artery called the endothelial layer.
These microtears occur frequently and are healed via a process in which vitamin C is CHEMICALLY REQUIRED.
Without sufficient vitamin C 'on tap,' sticky cholesterol sticks to the 'scabby' (if you will) microtears that form from high mechanical load on the artery and that don't heal properly w/o Vitamin C. This then builds on its self overtime.
If you're on a carnivore diet then congratulations, the gene you were born with that makes babies produce their own vitamin C is reactivated in you, therefore you don't need any vitamin C because you are producing it naturally like bears, wolves, and newborn babies. That's the answer to why people on "carnivore diet" do not get scurvy.
With no disrespect meant to any other method, because there certainly are many, I bring you this here with such conviction for two reasons:
Linus Pauling was a genius biochemist, chemical engineer, etc, whose hard work and treatment I presented to you all here tonight, was purposefully obscured and -after his passing in 1994 at 93yo -suspiciously added to. (you'll see if you dig)
This is the method I know first hand works from my own personal experience with a family member and their baffled doctors. Twice. 3 years apart.
I'm not a doctor
I started taking high dose lycine and vitamin c some 5-6 weeks ago now, I think. Right after I read the first post of this.
Before, I felt constantly tired, ankles swollen (if I wore socks you could see impressions from them for hours) got light headed and dizzy standing up too quick, face got red and dizzy and drenched in sweat from light exertion, and more. I felt, truly, like my life was near its end. I'm not that old, but I have decreased Mobility from an injury and my cardiovascular health has gone downhill fast over the last few years. When I had my bp checked, the nurses checked 3-4 more times because it was so high they didn't believe it.
After just a few weeks I felt so much better. Most of my symptoms described above gone, and those still around severely reduced in how bad they were and getting better daily.
I was honestly at the point where I was worried about dropping over dead any day, I felt it in my heart, in my bones, if something drastic didn't happen I wasn't going to make it long. That shadow is no longer over me, and I cant describe how incredibly happy I am today.
To the one who originally posted this treatment, and to Dr. Pauling, thank you so much!
I'm well versed in chemistry and science, went to college for physics. I researched all of the background of why this works chemically and the theories behind why humans get these issues with high cholesterol in our arteries in the first place. To me, it all makes sense and I tell everyone I can about it.
In just the last two weeks (I saw results after 3 weeks, and some friends started at that point and have been on it for two weeks) several friends and family have already been noticing a difference in their lives and health. One friends relative is scheduled for some heart related surgeries and they feel like it may no longer be necessary, though time will tell.
In short, I believe everyone - even those without obvious symptoms - can benefit from adding these two items to their lives. And for those like me who have had issues with their arteries, this may give you a second lease on life.
This is exactly how I have been feeling for about the last 6 months. After the death of my father, I feel like my body took a turn for the worse. I also started drinking quite a bit more, but literally if I wasn't drinking my chest felt like it was going to cave in. I am not real old and honestly not in bad shape, but I am guessing my heart is having some issues. Anyways, I just started this today. I will be sure to throw some updates in here at some point!
I have no doubt that if your problem has to do with cholesterol in your arteries, this will help!
I hope and pray for quick, positive results for you. Keep us informed!