posted ago by DarQ2light ago by DarQ2light +43 / -1

Unconventional Sea Burial:

JFK Jr., his wife, and her sister were buried at sea, an unusual choice for such high-profile individuals, leading to speculation about a cover-up​ (International Business Times)​​ (Politico)​. Lack of Public Viewing:

No public viewing of the bodies, raising questions about the authenticity of their identification and potential concealment of the truth​ (International Business Times)​. Pilot Error Despite Caution:

JFK Jr. was known to be cautious, yet he flew under poor visibility conditions, leading to suspicions about the circumstances of the crash​ (Politico)​. Timing and Political Ambitions:

The crash occurred when JFK Jr. was reportedly considering a political career, which some believe could have made him a target​ (Politico)​. Witness Protection Theory:

Some believe JFK Jr. faked his death and entered witness protection, citing the sea burial and lack of public viewing as part of an elaborate ruse​ (International Business Times)​​ (Politico)​. Inconsistencies in Official Reports:

Alleged inconsistencies in the NTSB report and other official documents, such as unexplained radar blips and timeline discrepancies, are used to question the official narrative​ (International Business Times)​. These points summarize the main areas of suspicion and speculation regarding the official account of JFK Jr.'s death.