Have never been able to find this information so easily on Google before. Even discussing the much maligned "DON"T DRINK BLEACH!" and describing it as "without side effects" LOL. Interdasting.
I'll give a word of caution on MMS. I bought the Humble book and was taking it for two months. Then the vomiting and downward spiral of my health began. I stopped taking it immediately and got back to normal after about a month. Regardless of dosage; because I was following the creator of MMS' protocol; I didn't see any reduction or removal of any ailments I had at the time. Just my two cents.
Ivermectin on the other hand is awesome 👍
That chlorine can definitely give a person a punk tummy. I couldn't get past 12 drops. However if you brush your teeth with it you will have no plaque at all.
Andreas Kalcker shows how to make CDS instead, which is just pure Cl02 gas dissolved in water without the presence of Chlorite, which means it's much easier on the stomache:
Thank you!