Aren't snipers always pointing their rifles and checking the crowds at these events? It is suspicious that those alerting SS and police weren't listened to about the man crawling up the building, but any time I've watched the snipers at events, they are in a 'ready' position and scoping what's in front of them. Maybe there was a blind spot but that shouldn't happen while protecting a President. A sniper should have been on each building surrounding the venue. Someone has some 'splainin' to do!
Aren't snipers always pointing their rifles and checking the crowds at these events? It is suspicious that those alerting SS and police weren't listened to about the man crawling up the building, but any time I've watched the snipers at events, they are in a 'ready' position and scoping what's in front of them. Maybe there was a blind spot but that shouldn't happen while protecting a President. A sniper should have been on each building surrounding the venue. Someone has some 'splainin' to do!