Think about the war Trump is fighting, the Great Awakening. The war was won in 2016. NCSWIC. The Storm will begin soon.
Tenet is a movie full of emotional timelines, hoodwinks, play books, information suppression, deception, narrative dissemination, mind games, blackmail, assassins, Ukraine, entanglement, doomsday precipice, scare events, debates, and people are purposely failing at their objectives to protect people and events.
Future proves past = posterity
Tenet movie at 45 minutes
Tenet movie at 1:43
Both show the protagonist being injured, superficially, for narrative reasons, but the second time we realize there was never any danger, it was an op, allowed to happen, for emotional and narrative timelines to segue to the precipice.
If we are watching Tenet, Trump just made himself bleed in the Freeport turnstile.
Next is Kat bleeding followed by a more severe attack against Protagonist.
Entanglement = The Q Plan
Algorithm = Election Fraud
Temporal Pincer move = Narrative Pincer
Freeport altercation = Butler PA = Fighting self
Hypocenter = 2020 Election
Vietnam = 2024 Election
Kat and Protagonist first meeting is when Trump first met the actor playing Biden.
Actor playing Hunter is narrative of Neil redemption (via vengeance).
We’re halfway there my friend. I’ll see you at the beginning.
WTF did I just read??!!
Think about the war Trump is fighting, the Great Awakening. The war was won in 2016. NCSWIC. The Storm will begin soon.
Tenet is a movie full of emotional timelines, hoodwinks, play books, information suppression, deception, narrative dissemination, mind games, blackmail, assassins, Ukraine, entanglement, doomsday precipice, scare events, debates, and people are purposely failing at their objectives to protect people and events.
Future proves past = posterity
Tenet movie at 45 minutes
Tenet movie at 1:43
Both show the protagonist being injured, superficially, for narrative reasons, but the second time we realize there was never any danger, it was an op, allowed to happen, for emotional and narrative timelines to segue to the precipice.
Um... well maybe if you'd said all that the first time, it would have been a little clearer. "Tenet" is meaningless unless you SAY it's a movie, I've never heard of it. Your original post was steeped in obfuscation.