Disinformation is necessary.
Was Q caught off guard or are we watching another scene out of the movie? Are we to believe that Trump's physical safety was not 100% protected yesterday? I find that hard to fathom. We know the cabal is more desperate than ever and today would be the time to expect an assassination attempt if one were to happen. Is this when Trump's protection team would start to get lackadaisical?
Everyone is connecting yesterday's assassination attempt to the Q "Shot heard around the world" post. We saw post 572 but there are 2 other posts that have the "Shot heard around the world" quote in them. Post 559 and 560.
These other posts talk about Google servers in North Korea.
They talk about Obama cabinet members using private emails, I would guess, through these Google servers. If Q is talking about Google servers in North Korea, it means they have possession of them. Perhaps the release of these emails explains,
Getting back to bullet grazing Trump's ear. Here is a photo I found of Trump all bloodied up. I created an imageflip photo of it. I can zoom in 500%, truthfully, I cannot see any damage to the ear, just some blood. I think an AR-15 round going through your ear would leave considerable damage.
Here is X22 from today. At the 10:30 mark Dave is talking about the possibility of the military receiving chatter about an assassination attempt. What would Q do if he knew the enemy's playbook? Use it to their advantage.
Q couldn't legitimately predict Trump would be grazed by a bullet. That would be too dangerous. How do you control a bullet once it leaves the liberal snipers gun? You don't. But you can create an incident that resembles a near miss.
We heard that law enforcement and secret service were ignoring the people who were alarming everyone that there was a man on the roof with a gun. Perhaps they wanted the liberal sniper to poke his head above the roof line. At which point they would kill him.
We saw 2 snipers looking at the direction of the gunman. What if the initial gun shots we heard was the snipers taking out the gunman and final shots were from the gunman firing aimlessly into the crowd as he was dying. Trump reaches up pops a blood packet on his ear and hits the deck. Trump could use gunfire from the whitehat snipers and pretend he was grazed?
This is all speculation because I don't think there is any chance whitehats would allow Trump to be grazed by a bullet to fulfill the "shot heard around the world" quote. But I do believe this could be a marker which gives us a clue that big evidence against Obama is drawing closer.
What are your thoughts?
It definitely looks like a small chunk is gone from the top part of his ear. Right where it’s deep red.
I think an AR-15 round going in at the deep red spot would have ripped the top half of his ear off, A bullet that close to his skull would have ripped through the skin behind the ear and took out a nice patch of his beautiful hair.