There is a picture of the bullet flying by his head. Do you think they would risk a miscalculation? I am not a fan of this theory. There is a dead shooter, a dead bystander, and an injured Trump. White hats don't have collateral damage.
Keep in mind that this shot was taken from 130 yards (427 feet)
A competent/average sniper can reliably engage targets at distances of 600-800 meters (1969 - 2625 feet)
A skilled sniper is capable of engaging targets beyond 1000 meters (3280).
Farthest confirmed sniper kills in history:
3540 meters – A Canadian JTF2 sniper set the world record in 2017 by eliminating an ISIS fighter in Iraq from over 2.1 miles away.
2475 meters – UK sniper Craig Harrison killed two Taliban machine gunners with shots only 22 meters shorter than the world record.
2430 meters – Canadian Master Corporal Arron Perry exceeded the 2 mile mark with his McMillan TAC-50 .50 BMG rifle while serving in Iraq.
2330 meters – Rob Furlong previously held the record using a .50 cal McMillan TAC-50 rifle to kill an Al Qaeda insurgent during Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan in 2002.
1860 meters – US Army sniper Nicholas Irving killed an enemy RPG gunner during the Iraq War with the precision shot in 2004.
There is a picture of the bullet flying by his head. Do you think they would risk a miscalculation? I am not a fan of this theory. There is a dead shooter, a dead bystander, and an injured Trump. White hats don't have collateral damage.
Keep in mind that this shot was taken from 130 yards (427 feet)
A competent/average sniper can reliably engage targets at distances of 600-800 meters (1969 - 2625 feet)
A skilled sniper is capable of engaging targets beyond 1000 meters (3280).
Farthest confirmed sniper kills in history:
3540 meters – A Canadian JTF2 sniper set the world record in 2017 by eliminating an ISIS fighter in Iraq from over 2.1 miles away.
2475 meters – UK sniper Craig Harrison killed two Taliban machine gunners with shots only 22 meters shorter than the world record.
2430 meters – Canadian Master Corporal Arron Perry exceeded the 2 mile mark with his McMillan TAC-50 .50 BMG rifle while serving in Iraq.
2330 meters – Rob Furlong previously held the record using a .50 cal McMillan TAC-50 rifle to kill an Al Qaeda insurgent during Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan in 2002.
1860 meters – US Army sniper Nicholas Irving killed an enemy RPG gunner during the Iraq War with the precision shot in 2004.