"There are reports that USSS Director Che@tle and her team are LIVID that Trump supporters are blaming them for their failure on Saturday. As a result, they are doubling down refusing to increase Trump's security detail or even to reconsider their security plans for the RNC."
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
How unprofessional! Having a hissy fit because they did a lousy job. Now she is going to pout and not do anything additional. She is showing everyone who was critical that they are right. This POS and her handlers have got to go.
It is like one of my x brother in-laws, alcoholic and he couldn't hold down a job, kept getting fired from them, he would always blame the guy he worked for. Reality, he was getting fired for drinking on the job or just not showing up to a job on time, not doing the work he was hired to do, having too many complaints from customers about him.. but, according to him it was NEVER his fault when he got fired, it was because the person who hired him was the Asshole, and he would do nothing but talk shit about whom ever just fired him as if to prove it was not because of his own actions. Is the head of the SS an alcoholic as well? Seems like it to me with her tantrum over her own peoples FAILURE.
Absolutely! Exactly the Same!