I am looking for a video showing the spray from the John Deer Tractor at Saturdays event in PA. I am hoping to look at the angle of the spray from the hydraulic system that was shot.
The tractor was facing the stage. It sprays for a few seconds then stops. I believe it is pointing/spraying towards the water tower; to the right side of the tractor. If a bullet hit from the 'sniper', it should have been forward and slightly left.
Thank you!
Relates to this thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/17teJBVI4V/breaking-yet-another-butler-wa/
IDK if the fluid / hydrodynamics at play are exactly linear……just sayin’
As in the spray direction predictability.
But that is different than saying the hose was not in the sightline of the ‘lone shooter’ rooftop position - and only reached by a different position
Which are you positing?
People in another tread posted above talk about hearing shots from the water tower. The spray and direction are more in line with the water tower. USSS also moved people away from the area behind Trump related to the tower.
I am simply following those threads.
I’ll say it is interesting, just don’t know how reliable of a point the spray direction is - not an expert though.