Mods? Could you please sticky a J13 thread so we can have an organized area of information to research or add to? More information is coming in fast and need a central hub.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I am looking into videos last week of Dems being asked about Biden. Manchin said “let’s wait and see what this weekend brings.” And “let’s see next week.” I heard Pelosi say this and am trying to find the video.
The plan was for Haley to slide into the candidacy following a successful...operation. I don't know how the rest of you perceived it, but opening night of the RNC felt like like this:
The event made schedules and plans for Trump, but some points seemed lackluster in execution, except for Trump's entrance of course. This leads me to believe there was a large swathe of individuals who were unprepared for the failed assassination attempt.
MSNBC's short interview with Don Jr. seemed like they had other talking points prepared, but had to scrap and improvise. Therefore, the guy asking questions resorted to passive-aggressive worn out topics.
All of the MSM decided to revert to an angry tone, and not necessarily towards the actual violence that occurred on July 13th. The mood in the media talking heads is more than just a pretense of sadness and melancholy; it's disappointment.
The phrase, "Political Violence", has now become a way to dampen the facts of the situation. This was an act of desperation, cowardice, and premeditated treachery that the DS has enacted over and over through history. These Philistines and vipers lost, and they had no plan B.
This is good. My gut tells me you are spot on. I felt the same when I saw Biden in the situation room. They looked defeated.