posted ago by RedPillQ17 ago by RedPillQ17 +48 / -2

Pardon me if this has already been posted/discussed. But I haven't seen anyone talking about the fact that the bullet that hit Trump’s ear could not POSSIBLY have come from his right side (like around 2:30-3:00 on a clock from where Trump was facing the audience) - where the patsy gunman was on a rooftop.

IMO, the (real professional) assassin that actually landed a shot (or two - if the hole in Trump's blazer was from a second bullet) on Trump clearly HAD to be in FRONT of him at about Trump's 1:00 (position on a clock) - not at Trump's 3:00 - where that rooftop Antifa guy was supposedly shooting from. This is the JFK multi-shooter scenario all over again!

On a gut level, I knew there had to be multiple shooters from the jump, but I think this animation re-enactment video proves it.

And, OMG - until this was slowed down, I didn’t hear Trump groan, “Oooooooh” as the bullet hit his ear! =-O
