posted ago by EveryKneeWillBow ago by EveryKneeWillBow +52 / -0

Just a thought. What happens if what Q meant about this is going to be Biblical was because he really meant it. This would explain how he could say with full confidence that Trump is fully insulated despite the near miss assassination attempt. What if the great awakening is really about having the world picking a side; good or evil. Furthermore, what if things of the unknown will slowly be unveiled to us, perhaps things that have been none to a degree by higher powers behind the veil on both sides. It is not time travel theory/supercomputers; but God's hand at work who is always in control. At the end of the day now more than evil this scripture rings true. Repent; and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord before it is too late! Some helpful scripture... Matthew 3:2 ; 4:17 & 13:11 Luke 5:32 John 3:3 Mark 4:11 Rev 11:15