Just need to rant for moment:
I greatly appreciated her work getting unapologetically activist teachers fired from public schools, because they have no business being anywhere near children, or earning a living through the tax-payer's dime. But at this point, Chaya is literally ruining the lives of any random person on the internet she can find that said anything remotely in support of the assassination attempt.
It's a deplorable stance to take, and they should be called out for it and given the chance to retract it and/or apologize, but when your first response is to go directly to the restaurant that employs the person as a line cook to get them fired, you lose all moral high ground and become no better than a Marxist. Destroying someone's livelihood because they were brainwashed by the media into believing that any way Trump can be removed is a good thing -- while showing absolutely no signs of willingness to participate in any kind of violence themselves is absolutely inexcusable, and clearly an unmitigated emotional response to what happened on Friday.
These are the kinds of tactics that will continue the tradition of an even partisan split across the country, and prevent any chance of uniting the majority against the real enemies of liberty.
That's it. That's my rant.
What's with this "destroyed their lives"?. That's bs. They can find another job.
It's not like what they avocate for...murder and terrorism.
Getting them fired is nothing more than a very strong kick to the pants.
That's true for some, but not all. I know many who would be in quite serious trouble if they lost their job unexpectedly.
Imagine, firstly, the mental health of the person who revels in the idea of a Trump assassination. Combine that with being a line cook or some other entry-level job (which from my experience, is the only guard many have before falling into a life of drugs and homelessness).
I'm all for getting any PUBLIC employees immediately fired, and perhaps even high-level employees / those who obviously know better. But Joe Smith who works at the gas station who never had the intellectual capacity to question the narratives he's been bombarded with his whole life?
Those who show no mercy will be offered none -- and not one of us are without a need for mercy.
IMO, calling them out for their actual hateful bigotry and unhinged mental states for spewing Actual rhetoric that is calling for more violence, is not a bad thing. I say the same thing about and to people come onto any platform crying and whining about being Banned on X or what not because, they thought it was OK to be calling for the deaths or celebrating about the deaths of anyone or even entire cultures of people. I am curious, did you contact Libs of Tik Tok directly with your concern or did you just run to other forums to trash talk her about it? You are certainly entitled to your opinion of course but, if it is that much of a concern to ya, maybe contact the source directly in the future and discuss it?