posted ago by Eion1830 ago by Eion1830 +35 / -1

I've still have whole body chills from watching this vid at least half a dozen times.

I did voice to text for some of Kim's remarkable Prophecy..


Take your time to review, gain your own witness what is unveiling before us.


Here is a snippet of the Prophecy..

Time stamp apprx 21 minutes in...

April 2nd of 2005 about some future President ...many of these prophecies talk about this one who will throttle the enemies of the West.

Now following dealing with the issues in the United States and these prophecies you are going to have problems with those other nations specifically probably China.

You can look at the assassinations and the identifiers of this President that's being discussed when will throttle the enemies of the West is what it says here assassination attempt...

For the purpose of this video that's just you with the assassinations and the identifiers of this president that's being discussed one who will throttle of the enemies of the West

Prophecy from Kim Clement

Assassination attempt and some would say what about the gatekeeper of this nation yet that is what a president is

He praised and he took the mantle of Ronald Reagan so the destination may experience great revival great breakthrough great-great-great-great breakthrough but truly there shall be 1 that shall attempt to lead 3 others to his side to kill and to take him out .. ( chatter, talk up to 3 shooters )

but I am with you ( Jesus Christ) tonight where my warriors, my warriors whose prayers will stop an assassination

Because of your prayers your prayers that will make a difference"

👆This is just a brief snippet, the entire video and Prophecy needs to be reviewed more then once. Wanted to leave some incredible further truths related in the video so others may also gain their own Witness.

Doubt not, of Prophetic gifts and Gifts of the Spirit.

For I, I was an ignorant child of God who did not even believe.

For HIS DIVINE purposes I have been given similar gifts of discernments, prophecy, seership and others.

They are given to further build up the Kingdom here on earth as well the Heavens.

