posted ago by cringerepublic ago by cringerepublic +51 / -3

I'm in the process of figuring this out and it's changing my life every day.

I used to think the Bible was a collection of stories from the past that we're supposed to have faith in to be "saved". Now I realize it's actually the best map of reality as experienced by human beings every written. Once you see it you don't have to suspend disbelief. It actually, truly is real in the deepest sense of the word. Every atheist would believe if they knew what it meant.

Try to see beyond the stories and look for patterns. Once you notice the patterns you'll see them everywhere. Once you can understand the symbolism, it's like a whole new world unfolds. The Bible is like reading the code to our reality.

I'd recommend Jonathan Pageau on YouTube and studying the Kabbalah in conjunction with scripture. It's not for the faint of heart. You're stepping into the role of Adam.