posted ago by StrzoksMangina ago by StrzoksMangina +21 / -0
 The deep state was obviously cornered and took a huge risk of not only failure but further waking the American public. Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore, and even some MSM pundits are struggling with the facts surrounding the attempt. The fact that Ree-tardy Oswald had been seen with his rifle an hour prior, was pointed out repeatedly by the public, and the proximity of the roof to the rally are really hard to explain away as incompetence. The only thing that makes any sense is that there was a criminal conspiracy to assassinate Trump.
 Once you include other things as all the shorts on DWAC stock, it will inevitably lead a normie to conclude that everything they've been conditioned to believe is a lie. If this is the scare event, we're extremely close to the Great Awakening. Thoughts?