Back in 2002 I recall mentioning to my mother, who was doubtful of my conspiratorial notions, about the put option and short sale volumes in United airlines just before 9-11.
My mother had a friend who was a real investigative journalist at the time in Chicago, who was well aware of the conspiracy talk of 9-11 yet remained a doubter. But when my mother mentioned to her to look at the activity in the volume sales of shorts and puts in United, she admitted it was 1000's of times above historical trading norms for their stock. She wrote an article on it and found some 60% of the put contracts were never cashed in but let to expire, because the insiders who knew to buy but not why to buy, were too scared to cash in their chips. The Tribune and anyone else she presented the article too would not print it.
This was from a sceptic liberal at the time the free press still existed, and I talked with her personally for hours about this as a young man. She was red pilled after going down that rabbit hole.
I wonder when the next Black Rock commercial is getting filmed
They are hanging themselves.
Back in 2002 I recall mentioning to my mother, who was doubtful of my conspiratorial notions, about the put option and short sale volumes in United airlines just before 9-11.
My mother had a friend who was a real investigative journalist at the time in Chicago, who was well aware of the conspiracy talk of 9-11 yet remained a doubter. But when my mother mentioned to her to look at the activity in the volume sales of shorts and puts in United, she admitted it was 1000's of times above historical trading norms for their stock. She wrote an article on it and found some 60% of the put contracts were never cashed in but let to expire, because the insiders who knew to buy but not why to buy, were too scared to cash in their chips. The Tribune and anyone else she presented the article too would not print it.
This was from a sceptic liberal at the time the free press still existed, and I talked with her personally for hours about this as a young man. She was red pilled after going down that rabbit hole.