posted ago by ObviousStatementMan ago by ObviousStatementMan +12 / -0


Title: "Fellow Anons - I believe that the GameStop Saga is officially part of The Plan. If you truly understand the GME, MOASS, HODL, DRS Saga, there's a lot of planning at an almost impossibly complex level. This is merely one 5GW path within a much larger Plan. Watch the video! WWG1WGA!"

And now these two tweets - Ryan Cohen supporting Trump, and in his most recent tweet, pasting a wall of "TRUMP" text:



I realize that this still doesn't necessarily cement my original supposition from a month ago. However, it surely strengthens it. This is not insignificant. GME is a top trending topic on X, rather consistently.

There is an INSANE amount of financial pressure on the market right now. Across the globe. Major debt increases, banks failing, liquidity crisis, hoarding of precious metals (individuals through entire countries), predatory naked short selling, FTDs, inflation, BRICS, looming/continuing wars, parabolic interest rates owed from US... the list keeps going.

Remember the Q posts regarding ending the Fed. Gold. Auditing the system. Exposing the corruption.

I think GME is a part of this. It's a transfer of wealth to people who are:

  1. Critical thinkers
  2. Unafraid of scrutiny
  3. Able to commit to a belief grounded in logic
  4. Able to change their minds
  5. Interested in the betterment of humanity
  6. Are mostly selfless and happy to help others
  7. Fundamentally critical of the status quo
  8. Capable of adaptation
  9. Able to read/contribute/understand actual* research
  10. Committed to end corruption, censorship & criminal enterprise

Notice the similarities here?

GME Apes and Anons are cut from the same cloth. It's part of the wealth transfer back to The People during the Awakening. It is only a single side of the pyramid, but, Apes/Anons are the perfect audience to handle a responsible transfer of wealth and power away from the corrupt "Free Market" system we've been fooled into believing for generations.