She didn’t win against Obama or Trump- why do you think now — I don’t think there’s enough trans/ gender equality or 3rd wave feminists to push her forward— most real people don’t like her and lots more real people like Trump more than 2016- imo
I don't want her to win, but i had a vision of her winning back in 2008 or so, and i was on the edge of my seat in 2015 fearing she would. I just want her to begone because my life changes radically if she does win (i just want to continue being some unknown on the internet and living my life). The cheating wasn't stopped in 2020, we saw in 2022.. the possibility exists the same system is ready to elect <NOT Trump> in 2024.
I don't tell many people my visions, and when i do it likely ends up being wrong (not always), so this is why im talking of my vision, because i don't want it to happen.
If she goes in I hope she loses anon, but i cannot dismiss this option until it is closed this is why i'm being vocal about it. This is the way God trained me to fight. I hope Trump wins.
I had a dream ( I’m in my 70’s and have had lots of weird dreams that actually manifested) a few years ago(2021) of a male African lion walking through the streets of a city ( I live in the country now but grew up in suburban area) suddenly the lion was joined by Trump -
She didn’t win against Obama or Trump- why do you think now — I don’t think there’s enough trans/ gender equality or 3rd wave feminists to push her forward— most real people don’t like her and lots more real people like Trump more than 2016- imo
I don't want her to win, but i had a vision of her winning back in 2008 or so, and i was on the edge of my seat in 2015 fearing she would. I just want her to begone because my life changes radically if she does win (i just want to continue being some unknown on the internet and living my life). The cheating wasn't stopped in 2020, we saw in 2022.. the possibility exists the same system is ready to elect <NOT Trump> in 2024.
I don't tell many people my visions, and when i do it likely ends up being wrong (not always), so this is why im talking of my vision, because i don't want it to happen.
Point is- to me who’s had more miracles happen to me than I deserve— I believe this is meant to be and guided by God
If she goes in I hope she loses anon, but i cannot dismiss this option until it is closed this is why i'm being vocal about it. This is the way God trained me to fight. I hope Trump wins.
I had a dream ( I’m in my 70’s and have had lots of weird dreams that actually manifested) a few years ago(2021) of a male African lion walking through the streets of a city ( I live in the country now but grew up in suburban area) suddenly the lion was joined by Trump -