The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think
While J.D. Vance has his own controversies, his close connection to billionaire Peter Thiel, who is poised to have unprecedented influence in a new Trump administration, should deeply unsettle every American who cares about freedom, privacy and reining in ...
Hey Whitney, let me know when big money is completely eliminated from politics, OK? How do you explain Musk giving Trump millions and he announces to the world he's eliminating the electric car mandate? Musk is very concerned about the environment and Trump says no more money to the Green New Scam. There are good rich men and bad rich men. Which is Musk? Associations don't mean anything unless there are facts to prove they've done something wrong. I've heard good things about Thiel and bad, so? Tech giants are naturally going to want the U.S. government as a customer. It doesn't make everything they do or say bad.
Webb comes from big money. I'm sure if all the people her father associated with were looked into there would be quite a few large Democrat donors. She wants to sell books and magazine articles. That's great, it's America. But I don't buy the innuendos she attaches to everyone. J.D. Vance was a never Trumper a few years ago. Did he REALLY see the light? I don't know but my gut says there's not a person Trump could have picked that would be 100% free of big money, influence or globalist imprimatur. Trump is my pick. I didn't like Pence but that doesn't mean I don't like Trump. We will see how things unfold. Hopefully he is elected. Then we'll see who his cabinet consists of. If he wins election he'll have 4 years to do what no other president in history could do. We'll watch to see if Vance is a stumbling block or a solid team player.
I myself wasn't on the Trump train until 2019. I didn't dislike him but I was ambivalent until his performance proved himself to me, I had been so doomed out in the past that I hadn't taken him seriously back during 2015. I was one of those who was more voting against Killary than anything else at the time.