"Fortunately, I eventually realized that my leftist "tribe" and I were wrong. In 2020, I started to get curious, listen to multiple perspectives and think for myself. Over time, I realized that the tendency to label conservatives as generally ignorant and/or hateful was way off base."
girl hmu
Don’t go crazy man…they don’t convert that easily and it might not take…use caution and disgression…trust…kinda…and most definitely verify…over time.
Key point being that many people who make the jump to supporting Trump or just not being rabid leftists will not agree with us on many or even most things, which is okay but maybe not for relationship prospects.
eh, i'm coming from a similar place. i was a canadian obama supporter, lol. and i like using my journey to help other people make theirs. always looking for relatively based friends up in this political wasteland.