I think that we will be very surprised when and if we ever find out. I wouldn't be surprised if it is someone quite famous. Any guesses? My gut feeling is that it is someone who is supposed to be "dead":
JFK jr Tom Clancy (My No 1 choice) John McAfee
Any thoughts?
Well based on what Q said in that post, it’s not a matter of if. Q says wait until you find out, meaning that we will at some point. Actually believing now that the game is over and we have already won, gives me a peace that it doesn’t matter to me the who’s, why’s, how’s, and when’s of everything. Because if I believe that we have already won, which I do, that is the only important thing to me. Sure finding out some of those along the way and making predictions of them can be fun. But I also keep in the back of my head that there will probably be a lot of things that will never be revealed to us for various reasons. Which for some things, is hard to stomach. Though it’s gotten easier as this movie has played out.
I'd like it to be revealed to exonerate us from being the dreaded "conspiracy theorists."
There is nothing wrong with being a conspiracy theorist. All it means is that we are trying to figure things out. They try to make it a derisive term, but that makes no sense. It only works for them because people believe what they say, even if it's nonsense.
Bwn250- I feel the same about believing we won so I'm at peace. I WOULD like more confirmation though, that the guilty are punished appropriately as life has been he'll these last several years