I think that we will be very surprised when and if we ever find out. I wouldn't be surprised if it is someone quite famous. Any guesses? My gut feeling is that it is someone who is supposed to be "dead":
JFK jr Tom Clancy (My No 1 choice) John McAfee
Any thoughts?
How in the world are people still obsessing over this early Q post? It's not a mystery. The answer is Trump, it's Trump. Until then we had no reason to think he was on the forum posting but then we got pics of his watch and even some subtle selfies. That's it. Stop saying it's JFK, or Tom Clancy, or AI or Jesus himself. It makes us look stupid as fuck. Some of y'all seriously lack reading comprehension if you can't understand basic shit that Q is trying to convey, holy shit people.
Trump is Q+ though. But I agree with you and share your irritation. Trump definitely did post as Q, but not most of the time. It’s definitely military.
Again, people in this community have a tendency to misquote and waste their time in dead end conspiracy crap. The OP even wrote the post wrong. Q never said, "Wait until you find out who's been writing every Q post" like so many morons think. Q wrote, "Wait until you FIND OUT who's been talking to you here" I bolded "find out" because we DID find out. I was there from day one following the early Q posts. We always thought it was some insider who maybe worked at the White House but none of us had any reason to think Trump was also talking to us. When it turned out Trump himself, the most powerful man in the world and the VERY person the entire Q operation revolves around, was posting himself (whether it was ONCE or more times, is irrelevant), that led so much credence to the Q operation. Timing tweet deltas is one thing, but when you start posting selfies of Trump himself and pictures that were clearly taken in the oval office, that is HUGE. When anons witnessed that, we were 100% believers. We already found out "who's been talking to you here" so I get extremely annoyed when I see so many idiots posting "Is Barron Trump Q? Is Jesus Christ Q? Is John McAfee Q? Is Q a super computer?" Q isn't a single person. It isn't supposed to be some crazy twist... It's a group of ten or less and the point is the POTUS himself was directly talking to us in some of the posts PROVING that it wasn't a LARP.
The fact anons keep focusing on stuff like this makes me think there are glowies infiltrating this movement to derail it with distractions or make us look stupid or crazy.