16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.
17 For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
When they look back on this time, in posterity, there will be incredible humiliation at what some people have taken as truth and the incalculable damage they caused their own off spring. The information war has done incredible damage to the point that reality itself is bending. Case in point Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese.
I'm "athletic" or rather I'm 6'6 and got picked alot to play sports. Regardless I have a certain affinity and casual interest for most sports. I've long argued that if you put the #1 QB and the #50 QB in the world on a field together, the vast majority of the population couldn't tell the difference about who is better. The "Madden Ratings" get it wrong. They're all 99. It's the number after the decimal sign that we can argue about. #1 QB is 99.98 #50 QB is 99.58 - there's virtually no distinguishable difference to the common man.
Except Caitlin Clark is an anomaly. It's clear as day that she's otherworldly and yet, there's this argument, that this tall scrub is somehow even in the same conversation about rookie of the year. Caitlin Clark is MVP. This is further evidence of a clear break in our shared reality. In no world is Angel Reese a better basketball player than Caitlin Chark. Not one. And yet all these talking heads in sports are only proving 1 of 2 things. Either they can't see or they're only talking shit because Caitlin is a White catholic from the Midwest and Angel Reese is black and played at LSU. They're actually sowing cultural division for ratings? That's actually pretty disgusting of "sports journalism" imho.
I say all of that to highlight the immense damage that the shattering of reality is having on the unawakened and the damage it continues to do to those already awakened. My eyes do not deceive me. Your eyes do not deceive you.
Men can be women? Women can be men? Biden is steam rolling Trump? There isnt an immigrant invasion? It's all inverted? Upside down? Downside up?
No. Not really. None of that is true anymore. You're a dude pretending to be a women and I reserve the right to not interact with you.
And yet sooooooo many people believe the opposite. So many people continue to gaslight the very nature of reality until words and definitions are spiraling into incoherence and buffoonary. How can a war on language have so much physically devastating effects? How can so many politicians answer questions, without ever actually addressing the question given to them? They glass over their own lie and gaslight us into thinking that we're the crazy one for thinking that they could possibly be criminally corrupt.
I think it boils down to a few key points of reality and i want to reassure you, the reader, of a few things in reality.
Caitlin Clark is the most electrifying women basketball player ever. (it's not even close)
Lawlessness is bad and too much law is tyranny. (That's a construct that we can argue about)
Men have penises and women have vaginas. (That's biology. That's reality.)
Joe Biden is a geriatric patient. (He's not even close to living in reality and theres no way hes commander in chief)
Donald Trump is clearly going to be POTUS. (It's not even close.)
Christ is King (it's not even close to being close.)
What do we do when we are living in the matrix and are unable to wake from it?
The best way to navigate is through prayer and fasting but I'm a believer that thinks that we should remain private about our conversations with our Heavenly Father. So what else?
Sometimes the best way to fight back is as simple as calling out objective reality and it seems strange that when the people of the future look back on our digital footprints and study us, that they might understand the difficulty we faced just in agreeing to what objective reality is and the polarizing effect it has bestowed upon the masses. .
Do not be deceived fren
That's a big dunk. Except, you see, it was his apostles that really sold it though. They all died horrible deaths for a lie? That doesn't make sense does it? How many people do you know of, with the courage to die for a lie? How about crucifixion? How about being stoned to death? Boiled alive?
It's absolutely true that the miracles of Jesus could've been fabricated. But the Torah isn't. The Torah is ancient. The books of the prophets and the prophecies therein are also ancient. Jesus fulfills those prophecies.
But for the sake of argument, do you think his disciples would have all endured terrible deaths for a lie?
If Paul was real why did they feel they had to put fake letters by him in the bible? It's like if dems were correct about Trump why would they have to make up tremendous lies about him? He didn't even know jesus anyway if either of them even existed at all.
Bc where power is there will always be frauds looking to capitalize on power. It would be easy to fraudulently create a letter.
Paul is great example tbh. Abraham. Moses. Elijah. Noah. These men walked with God and lived upright. Paul was a hebrewic protégé. He despised Christians and even witnessed or partook in the stoning of Stephen. (I'm not 100% sure it was Stephen) and yet that's the man he chose .... why? Because he was a protégé of the Torah. He had it memorized. He was chosen to be an example of the change that comes through salvation.
All of christendom would have opposed Paul and his teachings bc of his past and yet he was the perfect academic to bring the Torah into perfect focus.
Why would they need to do it at all though if they had real ones? I think the whole thing is an exercise in power over the europeans as a means of controlling the world. You are the biggest cucks of all time. You gave up your ancestors' pantheon for an ancient hebrew god that doesn't make any kind of sense. He made all the animals male and female but doesn't have a wife and only made woman as an afterthought. It's absurd. The kicker is you don't get to charge interest but the hebrews do! You even worship them as god's favorite. It makes me feel ill to think of it.
I actually reject "Judeo" Christianity. I'm not a jew. I don't affiliate with jews I don't know anymore what ppl even mean by the term jew thh.
I'm in total agreement w u about usury.
We are bride of Christ. His church. But his wife has been a whore and now he must redeem her.
I'm the whore. I'm the one that needs redemption. I don't deserve eternity and you poor atheist deserve a blessed and fruitful life bc there is nothing for you on the other side. Ever wonder why you're not plagued by demons? Bc thieves don't steal from empty houses. You need zero help going straight to hell. Your pride (also known as the greatest sin) plus your great and majestic reasoning skills and your perfect self assured hubris is sufficient motive to send you there.
I don't say that with contempt. I say it with great sadness. There is salvation and redemption and freedom from sin on this side .... but it will cost you everything.