Interest Payments on US National Debt Will Shatter $1,140,000,000,000 This Year – Eating 76% of All Income Taxes Collected: Repo...
The vast majority of Americans' income taxes are now being swallowed up just to pay interest on the country's national debt, new numbers show.
I wish I understood money.
To whom is that money owed? And where did they get it from?
If you have time, read a book called "Creatures from Jekyll Island" by G Edward Griffith.
You will understand about the creatures and who we and the rest of the world owe the interest.
I suspected as much in which case I can't understand why we fall for it so completely. Just tell them they aren't getting it. Problem solved!
I wish we could. Those who tried to protect us were sunk. Read the book and you will understand about it. It's bad.
Well, what do you know? I seem to have just downloaded a free pdf called "The Creature from Jekyll Island" on my PC!
I do know the basic story but have never read the book. I will see how I get on. Reading books is a last resort for me.
It's a good read. I am glad you got it. Great job. Lots of detailed info.
I just finished Chapter 3. Did I mention that I was a slow reader?
I knew some of the basics like the banks pretended to be a long-stay car park but, in reality, they were a car hire business - they hired out their customers' cars for money. I also knew that, unlike with real cars, each car could be hired more than once at the same time.
However, the deviousness in Chapter 3 was a bit of a wake up call. No matter what financial disaster occurs, the finance sector has ways to safeguard their own money and even has ways to make money from it!
Great recommendation, thank you.
You are wc. The more you know, the easier to break out.
We borrow it from China so we can pay interest on Foreign Aid that we give to China and other corrupt shell governments that our intelligence agencies have their hooks in.