Steve Kirsch, who saw the data about COVID and other vaccine injuries and -- despite having taken the COVID jab himself -- began fiercely studying the data, analyzing it, and shouting the truth to the world -- has suffered a serious injury to his right eye. He has spent years now and a huge amount of money getting the truth out to the world, and I hope he is able to resume his work.
I wish him a swift recovery, although I don't think that's likely. I certainly hope this is the last of the "events" he will suffer and that his health will otherwise remain good.
My vision was fine at 3pm today. This was my right eye (see image at link above) at 4:30pm July 23, 2024. Most of my vision is gone.
Nearly all the vision is gone in my right eye.
I wasn’t doing anything special, just computing MRR’s on the Czech Republic data that I’ve written about before using the time-series data I enhanced to count by brand.
. . . Hopefully, others will continue what I started.
If you think the vaccines are safe, you’ll find a way to discount what the Czech data says, e.g., “Kirsch could not prove this wasn’t due to something we can’t identify.” They cannot provide an alternative hypothesis that better fits the data. And they can’t point to anything that RULES OUT the possibility that the vaccines are too deadly to be used.
If you realize vaccines are deadly, this data makes it devastatingly clear you are right because all the attacks do not hold up under scrutiny: the data is gold standard, the method is simple, and the results are amazing consistent with each other (1.3X higher mortality) and with MANY other studies.
I hope to be back very soon.
Actually, I had vision abnormalities every time I took a large dose of ivermectin. Thank you for noting this. It was always temporary, but disturbing. For me, it was a halo like tunnel vision, mostly when I was under bright lights.
It was like a pool of blackness where what i could see was just a stain on the surface of the pool, and before i knew it, i was seeing perfectly normal again. I didn't know wth was going on at first since it was so long after i took the ivermectin. Maybe 24 hours. And before i knew it, it was gone. Took me a while to take another dose but i needed to see if it was what did it to me. The next few times it wasn't nearly as frightening or severe but i certainly could confirm that's what it was. I didn't have the same issue with the pills i bought earlier the year before. 12mg pills off shopee. I used the rest of them to make an ant poison which worked quite well so i had nothing to test it against. Could be the suspension media doing it but i still try to warn people not to panic. It's only temporary. Really glad i didn't try and shoot it or anything. Some jerk splashed me with some water and said it was infected in some way in Filipino. Ratlung worm i guessed by the welt pattern that appeared. The ivermectin may or may not have worked but any way you slice it, it is still safer than Praziquantel which can kill your liver. I haven't had any symptoms of ratlung worm since the point of infection and may have passed one that was ~4 Inches Long the next year after doding ivermectin. I first started playing with it to get rid of lice which i also came back from the Philippines carrying. I mixed 2/3ds of a bottle with a pint of head and shoulders shampoo. Worked like a charm. I've also mixed it in a spay bottle to get rid of bedbugs while i was there one year. Worked well in my opinion but i had to use it about 3 times in 3 months. My two girls refused to use the intentionally imperfect lice shampoo they sell there so i had to dose the shampoo in secret. With one fell swoop i cured the whole family. So, pfft. Ivermectin is nice but it can make you panic the next morning after you wake up partially blind. Only drinking 1-2ml at 10% mixed in water ever caused it. But it does it every time. Seems to have something to do with sleep. Even having a good nap can proc the partial blindness if ivermectin is in my system.