Read Articles 106 and 107 of the U.N. charter. We the People have been LIED to about most everything.
Chapter XVII — Transitional Security Arrangements
Articles 106 and 107 of the UN Charter give Russia, as the legal successor of the victor of World War II, the right to take all measures, including military, against Germany, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia , Slovenia. , Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine for attempts to revive Nazism.
UN Secretary General António Guterres was surprised to learn from Putin that there is an article in the UN Charter that allows the conduct of a Russian special operation in Ukraine.
The Nuremberg Tribunal held all who fought against the United Nations and committed genocide criminally responsible. The greatest genocide was committed against the Soviet people.
In particular, the use of military force against these countries is allowed. To do this, you need only NOTIFY the other three winning countries, but not seek their consent.
Russia can stop attempts to revive Nazism in Germany, Hungary, Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic, which was a protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia during the war.
Not to be a dick, but your post if full of cabal misinformation. I'l address it one by one and then I'll give you my final verdict.
The notion that the soviets used human wave attacks to win WW2 is Nazi and then rebranded cold war propaganda from the grandparents of the people that currently accuse you of being a nazi for wanting to MAGA. I would not trust that one bit and here is why: The USSR suffered 27 million KIA, of which 8.7 are military. Of which 3.4 died in Nazi concentration camps. So the German invasion is responsible for 19 million dead civilians. By comparison, modern day Russian historians estimate that the victims of Stalins purges are estimated at 600k to 2 million at most over the course of 29 years.
Holodomor is way overblown and misrepresented primarily by the occupying Nazis so they could turn more ukranians on their side. The kulaks which exacerbated the holodomor were nothing more than predatory usury lenders for peasants aka modern agricultural pay day loans. Holodomor primarily targeted them. The famine itself killed around 200k people per official classified documents, most which weren't even ukranians, but Russians as the famine spread across the black sea as well.
You are correct. As a matter of fact Putin himself said that Lenin's party was composed mostly from jews.(95%) However, that number dropped dramatically under Stalin's reign. Most of which were found guilty of rimes and executed.(Trotskii, Yagoda, Tuchachevsky come to mind) I believe the number dropped to a mere 20%
Do you notice a pattern? It was as if Stalin was fighting the money lenders before people in the west knew who they were. How do I know that? He refused to sign the Bretton Woods accord which basically placed all the nations under the Federal Reserve's monetary jurisdiction. Half a year later the cold war began as a result.
In a country were 80% of populace is Orthodox, you would expect that most of the casualties would be Orthodox as well. However, they were never directly targeted by Stalin because of their faith, rather they were "collateral" deaths due to some the soviet policies. Stalin actually decriminalized Christianity during WW2 allowing people to practice it in private. Fun fact for you, Stalin was about to become a preacher, but he became disillusioned with the way the church was ran and dropped out. He claimed that the priests were more interested in filling their coffers rather than help the poor.
The rest of the post if spot on. As a matter of fact, the reason the Khazarians hate the Russians so much is because they Christianized their homeland, which for them is the biggest humiliation to this day.
Now, let's talk about Stalin. In the media and on this website he is viewed as this monster. However he is the most popular leader in Russia.** A recent poll found out that 56% of Russian approve of his policies and think of him as a great leader.** In a head to head poll he even beats out Putin. And these results have been consistent. Could it be that the Russian who lived under this man, know something that we here in the west don't?
Even the CIA sponsored media covered this:
Notice how this article says that Putin downplays his crimes. Which is correct. As a matter of fact, Putin who just like Trump is a master of optics, refused to condemn Stalin. However he blames Lenin for the current situation that Russia is in, claiming that it was his policies that weakened Russia.
I can go on more and more, but I will say this. I grew up in Eastern Europe being a staunch anti-stalinist and anti-soviet(still haven't changed a lot of my opinions on this). And just like with everything, once Q came around, I started questioning my beliefs of what we were taught. After a bit of digging it became crystal clear that Stalin was USSR's version of Gadaffi and Libya. A man hated by the west for the simple fact that he wanted to build an independent functioning country.
The reason Russia even exists today is because of him. Had the askhenazi jew in Trostki taken power after Lenin's death, Russia would have suffered the same fate as Yugslavia, broken into a multitude of smaller states under the direct control of the cabal.
Thank you, I will bookmark and read some of that later.
My username points to the fact that modern history books have been heavily edited to hide and rewrite certain facts.
I do disagree with the “Nazi death” numbers, the Red Cross found little wrong during and shortly after the war. All the so called death camps were in soviet Russia etc.
Biographies of Churchill, eisenhower, bomber Harris etc. and the great works of David Irving all lead me to believe most of the evil Nazi stuff to be bs. That’s my opinion, after years of research and reading.
Anyway, I think we can agree that the Khazarian mafia are not Jews, nor are the Zionist camp.