Q from Rep Bishop: "Did Crooks fire 8 shots?"
A from Wray: "We have recovered 8 cartridges on the roof"
- Initial reaction was: he's not saying yes or no to whether all 8 shots came from Crooks - so it does not rule out a second or third assassin
- Why did he use the term "cartridges" rather than "casings" or "shells"? Because as a law enforcement person, the terminology must be very precise - "cartridge" means something different entirely:
- If we interpret this as an accident/misspoken and he actually meant casings - then the initial reaction would be correct
- If we interpret this as intentional wording, then what he's saying is Crooks didn't fire a single shot since they found intact rounds... (this would add up with the other hints we saw - body cam footage where the gun was far away from his body and it didn't have any blood / blood trails on it, as well as the testimony where officers confronted him on the roof in prone position but "within seconds fired upon Trump" which would be physically impossible - so if that's the case, someone else fired upon Trump)
And Q said "Trust Wray" - perhaps this is a way he found for disclosing the truth?
Cartridge has a live primer, powder and lead or jacketed bullet. It usually means an unfired round. Crooks magazine(s) likely had who knows how many cartridges.