I feel like this entire write-up, however well thought out, is instantly obsolete with this morning's news that Obama officially endorsed and threw his weight behind Kamala. It's going to be Kamala, it's quite clear now. The Mockingbird Media and the Democrat Party are officially in lockstep to sing her praises and lie about poll numbers saying she's tied or leading now (all bullshit) and now they're working to have that plausible cover for when they try to steal it again and America will believe it because she was "leading" in the polls.
Plenty of time still for Obama to betray Kamala, they'll blame some other scandal on her as an excuse to replace her as well. Newsome is waiting in the wings, look at his sudden order to clear the homeless out of California.
I feel like this entire write-up, however well thought out, is instantly obsolete with this morning's news that Obama officially endorsed and threw his weight behind Kamala. It's going to be Kamala, it's quite clear now. The Mockingbird Media and the Democrat Party are officially in lockstep to sing her praises and lie about poll numbers saying she's tied or leading now (all bullshit) and now they're working to have that plausible cover for when they try to steal it again and America will believe it because she was "leading" in the polls.
Plenty of time still for Obama to betray Kamala, they'll blame some other scandal on her as an excuse to replace her as well. Newsome is waiting in the wings, look at his sudden order to clear the homeless out of California.
You think clearing homeless camps is something democrats would like?
I think because of Trump's quick action of the FEC suit and refusing to debate. Pushed Obama to commit.
Trump saw through it, a political novice would not have.