Embryos are precious LIFE yet are treated as disposable parts of the selfish, satanic IVF process. You cannot abide by such an abomination and call yourself a Christian
Embryos (including viable ones) are regularly and routinely expelled from a fertile woman's body when she is sexually active. Sometimes they get fertilized too late in the process. Sometimes they don't implant. Sometimes they're not viable. Sometimes it's just bad luck. They end up flushed down the toilet. This is reality.
For the most part, when people pay a fortune to get eggs fertilized, they don't just toss them in the trash unless they're not viable. There are some who may have extras after having a few kids - those may end up destroyed or donated. Generally we're talking single digit numbers - less than one active fertile woman potentially flushes down the toilet in a year and certainly a lot less than the typical woman's lifetime.
Only God has the right to determine which FERTILISED, CONCEIVED eggs perish NOT MAN and certainly not in a fucking laboratory outside the womb. Conception is HIS domain alone. You are not equal to God as your attitude implies. That is where you fucked up and what you will answer for on the day of judgment unless you sincerely repent.
I'm quite a bit more worried about stupid people like you breeding than I am about God tinkering with a woman's plumbing.
In your ignorant zeal, you miss the real miracle. It isn't fucking (to user your preferred term) conception, which happens in every fucking mammal on the fucking planet. The miracle happens after that, but you're too fucking blind, ignorant and ill-informed to see it. So you can fucking answer for that on the day of judgment unless you get a fucking clue, fuckwad.
Embryos are precious LIFE yet are treated as disposable parts of the selfish, satanic IVF process. You cannot abide by such an abomination and call yourself a Christian
Embryos (including viable ones) are regularly and routinely expelled from a fertile woman's body when she is sexually active. Sometimes they get fertilized too late in the process. Sometimes they don't implant. Sometimes they're not viable. Sometimes it's just bad luck. They end up flushed down the toilet. This is reality.
For the most part, when people pay a fortune to get eggs fertilized, they don't just toss them in the trash unless they're not viable. There are some who may have extras after having a few kids - those may end up destroyed or donated. Generally we're talking single digit numbers - less than one active fertile woman potentially flushes down the toilet in a year and certainly a lot less than the typical woman's lifetime.
Only God has the right to determine which FERTILISED, CONCEIVED eggs perish NOT MAN and certainly not in a fucking laboratory outside the womb. Conception is HIS domain alone. You are not equal to God as your attitude implies. That is where you fucked up and what you will answer for on the day of judgment unless you sincerely repent.
I'm quite a bit more worried about stupid people like you breeding than I am about God tinkering with a woman's plumbing.
In your ignorant zeal, you miss the real miracle. It isn't fucking (to user your preferred term) conception, which happens in every fucking mammal on the fucking planet. The miracle happens after that, but you're too fucking blind, ignorant and ill-informed to see it. So you can fucking answer for that on the day of judgment unless you get a fucking clue, fuckwad.
No go fucking fuck yourself you inbred fucktard.