posted ago by supertootsday ago by supertootsday +28 / -1

If I were evil and in charge, I would run this program.

If public backlash vs Kamala Harris then

  • Remove as a candidate by
  1. Assassination (to blame on Trump Supporters of course. Assassination is in the air).
  2. Bribe her to Resign.
  • Install Big Mike as the candidate. If by 1. then Big Mike also gets the sympathy vote because "Female Black Woman Assassinated by Evil White Supremacists.

If public backlash does not matter because Stolen Elections then

  1. Run Josh Shapiro, Jew Warmonger Extraordinaire, as VP. That will surely do the bidding of Israel and take us to war with Iran.
  2. Bribe Kamala to resign.

If it becomes clear Trump is going to win no matter what, start war with Iran via a tactical nuke or some other large scale terror attack in order to justify cancellation of the election.

  1. War with Iran.

Simultaneous program running.

  1. Attempt to assassinate Trump again (and blame on Iran) to get us into war with Iran (see the common denominator here?)

If Trump wins then

  1. Activate Terrorist sleeper cells that perform terror attacks and route back to Iran as the scapegoat. War with Iran.

It is obvious what the game plan is. The only question is, are they that far out of touch and tone deaf that they cannot see the writing on the wall as to what the public perception and opinion is of the Government, Lamestream Media and Big Tech?