posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +269 / -0

Opened my computer tonight, saw an article about the Olympics, I opened it, I scrolled down to see Galatians 6:7 mentioned. First thing I said to myself, I have to go look that up!!!


I have never been an extremely religious person but I can feel something building inside me. People in my circle are getting more outspoken with regard to faith. Seems like it is growing in intensity.

I was at work a couple weeks back, several coworkers and I were talking discussing the fate of our nation. I didn't know these people to be religious in nature but I spoke out at one point and said our country resembles Sodom and Gomarah and they all immediately agreed.

I read a post from here earlier where someone said their faith in God has been born again from partaking in our GAW community.

I see liberals talking about the Trump assassination declaring his life was saved by God Almighty.

I find myself getting caught up in reading Biblical verse when doing research and it is hard to stop. My wife went to bed at 11pm last night, I told her I would be coming to bed soon. It was 5am when I closed my computer. Reading Revelations and contrasting our world today.

I hope what I see is a true Awakening, God's people banning together, uniting to fight the forces of evil. Q said it would be Biblical. I think that statement goes much deeper than I expected. I feel a revival of spirituality rising up.

I think the uncertainty, anxiety, worry has people seeking the word of God. A God-fearing nation is what we once were. I think we may be going back there.

God Bless you all.