In Minnesota tonight, President Trump said he will make burning the American Flag a crime with 1 year in jail as the minimum sentence. As much as I like President Trump, this is wrong, and goes against the principles upon which our Republic was established.
Freedom of speech is not limited to only those we agree with, and we need to support the right of those we may not agree with to exercise that right. Our Rights are sacred. They were conferred upon us by our Creator, and those Rights are unalienable.
The Constitution is not just a word, nor is it an idea. It is literally the source of limited powers granted to the federal government, including the Executive Branch. It is the contract that binds government to those specific limited powers, and nothing more. What President Trump is proposing is no different than what Biden and Harris are doing when they decide one of our Rights is a fair target for their agenda.
I will be honest, I have never looked at our flag with the same zeal as I see many of my friends hold it in. I love what our flag symbolizes, but I do not idolize it. So many hold it so sacred that it seems to be a form of worship.
Instead, I hold the principles upon which our Republic was established with reverence. Our Creator inspired the establishment of These United States, and the principles it was founded upon are sacred. They are literally pulled directly from the teachings of our Savior and really should be what we hold dear, not a piece of cloth, no matter how much it holds symbolism for so many Americans. If someone burns our flag, it is sad and upsetting, but it doesn't harm me, nor anyone else. If, however, someone in government tramples the Constitution and betrays their oath, it causes actual harm. Just look at the J6 hostages, and many others that government has targeted.
I hope and pray that President Trump realizes that he is going too far with the Flag Burning Law he wants to put in place. if not, it leads to a slippery slope of what else he will want to do for our own good. That is what we already have been opposing in Obama, Clinton, Biden, and now Harris.
Gotta disagree here, burning our flag is showing disrespect to our country and in turn to it's creator. U deserve an ass whippin' for burning our flag plain and simple, but that would probably land my ass in jail. So might as well lock up the correct person.
I disagree. It is a legit protest form as long as it is your flag you own. I didnt aerve so that SOME rights arw protexted, inserved so all rights are protected Especially ones peoe disagree with.
And it's your right to disagree! And I think my reaction or more to the fact a bunch of degenerates just pulled down a flag that didn't belong to them and burned it. No one got in trouble, they should be in jail.
Yes. Cant steal someones property and burn it. They should be prosecuted.