Happy to meet a fellow LOTR frog fren, and another lady at that.
I wondered about the ghost warriors, too. That's one of my favorite parts of the third movie, but I'm not sure who they'd be. I like the idea of the ghosts of WWI and WWII coming to avenge their deaths to the military industrial complex.
The ents, too. When I originally got into the story many years ago, I thought maybe they were the Americans in both WWI and WWII, not getting involved until the sinking of the Lusitania and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I think now, in today's world, they symbolize the people who are still apathetic about all this and have chosen not to pick a side, even as the world crumbles around them. There are still so many out there like this.
Happy to meet a fellow LOTR frog fren, and another lady at that.
I wondered about the ghost warriors, too. That's one of my favorite parts of the third movie, but I'm not sure who they'd be. I like the idea of the ghosts of WWI and WWII coming to avenge their deaths to the military industrial complex.
The ents, too. When I originally got into the story many years ago, I thought maybe they were the Americans in both WWI and WWII, not getting involved until the sinking of the Lusitania and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I think now, in today's world, they symbolize the people who are still apathetic about all this and have chosen not to pick a side, even as the world crumbles around them. There are still so many out there like this.
Yes! The ents could be the fence sitters who don’t want to pick a side until something pushes them off the fence.