We create a massive deportation fund. If you leave asap and head back to your Country, you'll continued to be paid as soon as you're back in your Country. (For a fixed time period) We can pay unemployed Americans to escort them safely back. They get paid. America should start mass producing Tiny Houses and create a slow road back down South for families to travel back to their birth Nations. Id create new Cities that start as Tiny Houses and then build up over time. Give them something to see hope and prosperity into the future.
Start a Tiny House City for each Nation. Use that as the staging area to start sending people back to their birth Nations. At the same time, let these Cities evolve into the best of what that Nation brings to the USA. Let's start developing the best of humanity. The best stay and the bad go. You could build Senior and Assisted living homes near them. It fills a need and brings in revenue.
We create a massive deportation fund. If you leave asap and head back to your Country, you'll continued to be paid as soon as you're back in your Country. (For a fixed time period) We can pay unemployed Americans to escort them safely back. They get paid. America should start mass producing Tiny Houses and create a slow road back down South for families to travel back to their birth Nations. Id create new Cities that start as Tiny Houses and then build up over time. Give them something to see hope and prosperity into the future.
That would work. Once the Globalists are gone all nations will do great.
Start a Tiny House City for each Nation. Use that as the staging area to start sending people back to their birth Nations. At the same time, let these Cities evolve into the best of what that Nation brings to the USA. Let's start developing the best of humanity. The best stay and the bad go. You could build Senior and Assisted living homes near them. It fills a need and brings in revenue.
Chain gang ‘em to the border picking trash to earn their daily bread and water.
Work ‘em to complete building the wall…with them on the south side as it’s completed.
Cost effective.
Great deterrence.
I like the cut of your Jib.
Thank you, thank you very much…it’s cut aerodynamically and is trimmed perfectly…making excellent time and exactly on course