And "Undocumented Immigrant" is an "Illegal Alien"
They are illegal, they are NOT Immigrants, they are parasites. They bring nothing, they consumer everything they can get, they destroy homes graciously given to them, they overwhelm medical and educational benefits - and seek to destroy them. They consumer far more welfare than the average citizen, they pay token taxes.
And when they have acquired enough profits from their host, like a parasite, they leave to enjoy their bounty in the country of their birth, leaving behind an infestation of relatives who do the same thing.
And "Undocumented Immigrant" is an "Illegal Alien"
They are illegal, they are NOT Immigrants, they are parasites. They bring nothing, they consumer everything they can get, they destroy homes graciously given to them, they overwhelm medical and educational benefits - and seek to destroy them. They consumer far more welfare than the average citizen, they pay token taxes.
And when they have acquired enough profits from their host, like a parasite, they leave to enjoy their bounty in the country of their birth, leaving behind an infestation of relatives who do the same thing.