Here is below the translation of this tweet from a frenchman Just to let you know, as a frenchman I was pissed when I saw the ceremony for the JO and then I was very happy. I've been trying for years to wake up my family and friends about the satanism of the elites and this is the biggest help I received in years. The french are being redpilled at a accelerated pace thanks to this pure display of evil.
"We are the majority, we are billions, we are the norm. Among us, men do not get pregnant, women do not have beards, and the intestine is not a reproductive organ. We come from a father and a mother. We do not come from parent 1 and parent 2. We do not come from two women or two men. We have grandmothers and grandfathers, not grandparent 1 and grandparent 2, 3 or 4. Our babies are breastfed by their mothers. This is how it has been for millions of years.
Millennia of evolution allow us to instinctively recognize women and men and distinguish them day and night. Those who were incapable of making this distinction disappeared generations ago. If we encountered a shadow in the night, it was a matter of survival to instantly know whether it was a man or a woman. As a result, among us, the use of pronouns is largely instinctive. We do not tell them to each other when we introduce ourselves, nor do we need to tattoo them or display them on our clothes.
Our culture is inclusive. It is inclusive because it encompasses billions of people. These people live today, lived yesterday, and will certainly be the norm in the future.
To the woke and degenerates of all stripes, we don't hate you. We don't love you, we just know you exist somewhere and you are indifferent to us; sometimes, you inspire pity. We are fed up with seeing you impose yourselves in schools, institutions, culture, cinema, celebrations, and use any occasion to spread yourselves well beyond your actual level of representativeness, which is minuscule.
You are like that tactless guest who, through tasteless techniques, steals the spotlight from the newlyweds on their wedding day to bring all eyes to himself.
The slightest occasion must be transformed into a display of your neuroses. As you are not numerous, you seek all opportunities for visibility to infiltrate and spoil the party for everyone. If you are not noticed, you get lost in one-upmanship.
Read the room! People are fed up with your sectarianism, proselytism, intolerance, and intellectual terrorism. By what mechanism were you allowed to hijack a ceremony with a 10 billion stake and use it as a platform for outrage and pornography? Some scenes, if they were played in clubs, would have been forbidden to those under 18!
But in Paris, we can't say no to you. You are like that colicky child prone to tantrums that we let do as they please due to parental resignation. Faithful to Macron's degenerate reign, you have pissed off the world's population, pulled the pin on a grenade at the party, and disgusted millions of potential visitors from coming to see your country because they believe there are only people like you. Will this improve your mental health? Not really, and you know it.
The opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics was the worst of this century. There is no doubt that you have also hijacked the closing ceremony. What's in it? A child sacrifice? An orgy on a pentagram? A blood bath? A hanging? Put whatever you want in it, no one will watch. In the USA, there are already lawsuits against television channels for violating federal regulations and broadcasting violent and obscene content during prime time when minors could have been exposed. In the Arab world, many channels had to interrupt their live broadcasts and won't be fooled again. The closing will be a flop, but vandalism pleases you. You are not capable of measuring up on the field of aesthetics, so all that's left for you is that of ugliness, outrage, and provocation.
And finally, the war you have declared on the 99.9%, you will lose it. These Olympics are the live suicide of your ideology."
Unfortunately, because of the controversy, the closing ceremonies will probably be the most-watched in Olympic history, justifying even more of this shit.
They are already trying to modify the closing ceremony to avoid another backlash. I bet it won't be as bad as the opening one.