Amazingly (or not), there are no good anagrams of 'HAPPNING'.
However, if you consider book titles?
"NAPPING H." - a quick search returns a children's book titled:
"The Napping House"
And what might be the plot of said children's book?
"A grenny [grandmother], child, and their pets nap during a rainstorm until a wakeful flea creates a chaotic wake up call."
Parallels? Naw, that's pure coincidence!
Need a little more?
Published: 1984
Need moar?
Author: Aubrey Wood.
Etymology of Aubrey? It's derived from 'Ruler'. A story written by someone in charge?
Even more?
Illustrated by: Don Wood
Donald Wood - Donald would? What would he do? Illustrate the story? To help it be seen and understood by 'children'? A story about awakening to chaos during a storm? Or perhaps even moving pictures, like this damn movie we're all watching.
The purpose of the book is to help children understand patterns. Not a repeating pattern. A growing pattern.
Also just worth tossing out there: the author grew up in Florida, and had friends in the circus. 🤡
If you'll indulge me just a bit.
Lower case e? Not important. That gives us:
Amazingly (or not), there are no good anagrams of 'HAPPNING'.
However, if you consider book titles?
"NAPPING H." - a quick search returns a children's book titled:
"The Napping House"
And what might be the plot of said children's book?
"A grenny [grandmother], child, and their pets nap during a rainstorm until a wakeful flea creates a chaotic wake up call."
Parallels? Naw, that's pure coincidence!
Need a little more?
Published: 1984
Need moar?
Author: Aubrey Wood.
Etymology of Aubrey? It's derived from 'Ruler'. A story written by someone in charge?
Even more?
Illustrated by: Don Wood
Donald Wood - Donald would? What would he do? Illustrate the story? To help it be seen and understood by 'children'? A story about awakening to chaos during a storm? Or perhaps even moving pictures, like this damn movie we're all watching.
The purpose of the book is to help children understand patterns. Not a repeating pattern. A growing pattern.
Also just worth tossing out there: the author grew up in Florida, and had friends in the circus. 🤡
Enjoy the show.
very nice dig wow