Or the actions taken by them against Marie Antoinette in order to see out their success in the French Revolution.
Jews have had a glorious history in France, crowned by the fact that she was the first country in Europe to give full civil and political rights to the Jews.
During the French, September 28th 1791, as
✝️ nuns were being jailed, tortured, raped, and murdered, the Jews were being given full civil and political rights.
Marie Antoinette was presented as a considerable obstacle to the Jewish led French revolution. No lie or abuse was too vile to level her. She had, more-over, received many warnings regarding freemasonry from her sister in Austria and was more awake to its significance.
In order to further the campaign of calumny against the Queen, an elaborate hoax was arranged at the time, when the financiers and grain speculators were deliberately creating conditions of poverty and hunger in Paris. A diamond necklace valued at nearly a quarter of a million was ordered at the Court jewellers in the Queen's name by an agent of the Jacobins. The unfortunate Queen knew nothing of this affair until the necklace was brought round to her for acceptance, when she naturally disclaimed anything to do with the matter, pointing out that she would consider it wrong to order such a thing when France was in so bad a financial way. But the Jewish printing presses of the 'Palais Royal' (a propaganda machine used to destroy France turned full blast on to the subject; and every kind of criticism leveled at the Queen.
A further scandal was then engineered for the presses. Some prostitute from the Palais Royal was engaged to disguise herself as the Queen; and by the forged letter the Cardinal Prince de Rohan was induced to meet the supposed Queen about midnight at the Palais Royal, supposing he was being asked for advice and help by the Queen on the subject of the necklace.
When the necklace had finally served its purpose, it was sent over to London, where most of the stones were retained by the Jew Eliason. Attacks of a similar nature were directed against many other decent people, who resisted the influence of the Jacobin clubs
It now only remained to strike the blow or series of blows, which were to rob France of her throne, her church, her constitution, her nobles, her clergy, her gentry, her bourgeoisie, her traditions, and her culture; leaving in their place, when the guillotine's work was done, citizen hewers of wood and drawers of water under an alien financial dictatorship. All the while robbing and raping their French White women of refinement and culture.
Or the actions taken by them against Marie Antoinette in order to see out their success in the French Revolution.
Jews have had a glorious history in France, crowned by the fact that she was the first country in Europe to give full civil and political rights to the Jews.
During the French, September 28th 1791, as ✝️ nuns were being jailed, tortured, raped, and murdered, the Jews were being given full civil and political rights.
Marie Antoinette was presented as a considerable obstacle to the Jewish led French revolution. No lie or abuse was too vile to level her. She had, more-over, received many warnings regarding freemasonry from her sister in Austria and was more awake to its significance.
In order to further the campaign of calumny against the Queen, an elaborate hoax was arranged at the time, when the financiers and grain speculators were deliberately creating conditions of poverty and hunger in Paris. A diamond necklace valued at nearly a quarter of a million was ordered at the Court jewellers in the Queen's name by an agent of the Jacobins. The unfortunate Queen knew nothing of this affair until the necklace was brought round to her for acceptance, when she naturally disclaimed anything to do with the matter, pointing out that she would consider it wrong to order such a thing when France was in so bad a financial way. But the Jewish printing presses of the 'Palais Royal' (a propaganda machine used to destroy France turned full blast on to the subject; and every kind of criticism leveled at the Queen.
A further scandal was then engineered for the presses. Some prostitute from the Palais Royal was engaged to disguise herself as the Queen; and by the forged letter the Cardinal Prince de Rohan was induced to meet the supposed Queen about midnight at the Palais Royal, supposing he was being asked for advice and help by the Queen on the subject of the necklace.
When the necklace had finally served its purpose, it was sent over to London, where most of the stones were retained by the Jew Eliason. Attacks of a similar nature were directed against many other decent people, who resisted the influence of the Jacobin clubs
It now only remained to strike the blow or series of blows, which were to rob France of her throne, her church, her constitution, her nobles, her clergy, her gentry, her bourgeoisie, her traditions, and her culture; leaving in their place, when the guillotine's work was done, citizen hewers of wood and drawers of water under an alien financial dictatorship. All the while robbing and raping their French White women of refinement and culture.