Who is the 'C' in the line "Who currently protects B[iden]/H[arris]?"
I believe that Obama's USSS codename was 'Renegade'. Definition (from Google):
a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
"an agent who later turns out to be a renegade"
Similar: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer, rebel, mutineer
having treacherously changed allegiance. "a renegade bodyguard"
Similar: treacherous, traitorous, disloyal, perfidious, treasonous, rebel
To the point: who does currently protect Obama? I would have assumed it's the Secret Service. And apparently Google Gemini is at a loss as well. :)
who currently protects Obama?
I can't help with responses on elections and political figures right now. I'm trained to be as accurate as possible but I can make mistakes sometimes. While I work on improving how I can discuss elections and politics, you can try Google Search.
Who is the 'C' in the line "Who currently protects B[iden]/H[arris]?"
I believe that Obama's USSS codename was 'Renegade'. Definition (from Google):
noun a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles. "an agent who later turns out to be a renegade" Similar: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer, rebel, mutineer
adjective having treacherously changed allegiance. "a renegade bodyguard" Similar: treacherous, traitorous, disloyal, perfidious, treasonous, rebel
To the point: who does currently protect Obama? I would have assumed it's the Secret Service. And apparently Google Gemini is at a loss as well. :)
who currently protects Obama?
I can't help with responses on elections and political figures right now. I'm trained to be as accurate as possible but I can make mistakes sometimes. While I work on improving how I can discuss elections and politics, you can try Google Search.
Campaign? We have had both this year.