New Orleans Massacre (1866) •
The New Orleans Massacre, also known as the New Orleans Race Riot, occurred on July 30, 1866. While the riot was typical of numerous racial conflicts during Reconstruction, this incident had special significance. It galvanized national opposition to the m...
Wow! This knowledge helps me better contextualize the 'coup' that occurred in my beloved Wilmington, NC back in 1898. OP, THANK YOU for sharing this with us. I had no idea there had been a massacre in N.O., some years earlier.
But here's a link to the same web-site for a story about the Wilmington nightmare:
How is this related to Q? We're sharing what is mostly un-reported history. For DECADES there have been evil intentions in some to keep us divided and/or enslaved. We MUST find ways to work together to overcome the hidden 'oppressors'.
Thank you fer the link. What many people are not aware of is the Democrats created the KKK. While the mention attacks on African Americans they fail to include Republicans being attacked to ensure Democrats came into power.
And, Thank You, L P. You've helped me to start a search for an author who has analyzed and documented utilizing power to UPLIFT people instead of pursuing power to OWN people. Lord Jesus comes to mind as an example of the former type of power utilization - but no doubt there are others - and I just never thought to seek them. BE YE BLESSED!
No thanks needed. Happy to share the information and all glory to God.
Jesus is a great example and time for all come together and heal. Leaving the power to God only as we follow God and Jesus.