Anon Theatre: 'The Island', released 22JUL2005 has Nessun Dorma for 40 seconds @6:50 "No one will know my name", and uses "Revavatio" symbology [to renew, rebirth, rejuvenate] in a movie about a "secret cloning facility".
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️

I saw this movie a long while ago, could never remember the name. Might rewatch it again with a new perspective after all that's been going on these last several years.
Lots of nuggets in here. Watch closely. Don’t be too distracted by the Michael Bay gratuitous action scenes. Some possible soft disclosure with private security dressed up as police competing with actual police (LA scenes). To observers it looks like police (or law enforcement) fighting each other (signature of many of the false flags we see in real life).
Reclaim the humanity gifted by God, denied by the evil slavers who pretend to be god
"Renovatio" is the word, title has typo: https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-meaning-of/latin-word-47e24efbe4b11ef2150399665e56c05dcbff34a2.html
'The Island' released July 22, 2005; 136 min
Nessun dorma section appears to have these lyrics @6:50-7:30
This song is also used in 'Mission: Impossible-Rogue Nation' (2015) which has a plot similar to the suspected cabal plan of starting WW3 with a "Rogue Nation" (i.e. North Korea per Q posts) false flag. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nessun_dorma
This movie has a simple plot, but powerful message aimed squarely at the PURE EVIL of Corporations and Government working together to enslave humans (the objective of both Nazis and Communists). It is about human clones that are kept in a secret location, and then harvested when needed for body parts and replacement organs (as a business). Two of the clones escape and figure out what is going on, and then return to shut it all down. The clone Lincoln Six-Echo (6+5=11?), considered "subhuman" takes over his non-clone client's identity in order to infiltrate and prevail. In the process his 'consciousness' is elevated to the point that he understands he does indeed have a soul. The movie appears to be a 'soft disclosure' of something literal or metaphorical, in my opinion.
Full Movie: https://flixflare.to/watch/movie-the-island-free-online-nejb/1-1
Alternate: https://moviesjoy.is/watch-movie/the-island-18840.5298922
Possible "soft disclosures"?
Optic nerve access to the brain (diagnostic in this case); rumored to be used for "programming" and MKUltra among other things
The "lottery" is rigged. Refers to real-world lottery in all states actually being rigged, similarly to all elections. Payoff for loyal Deep State agents or others doing "stuff" for the Deep State?
Female clones are "breeders". Possible reference to human trafficking breeders, such as those reported in operation in Ukraine.
Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs)? Facility is under an "abandoned military base". Movie was likely filmed in an Army base per the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers seal @2:01:10 on the wall. Military bases that were "mothballed" during the 1990s (mostly Army?) under Clinton are all suspected of having operations underneath them at some point, not all DUMBs. They are still held as Federal Land despite being technically "not in use". Land should have been returned to the sovereign State if really shut down.
[Lincoln Six-Echo has returned to the underground facility to shut down the hologram and reveal the real world to the clones when Merrick captures him]
@2:03:54 Lincoln claims his humanity by rejecting the clone qualifier:
-Lincoln Six-Echo (now just Lincoln, and no longer a clone)
It is like a hi-tech 'Gladiator' with one of the slaves (Spartacus) escaping to come back and free the rest of the slaves and lead the rebellion. A bit cliche, but the story wouldn't need to be told so many times if we didn't have globalists continuously trying to enslave The People. Decent acting makes it work.
My Name is Lincoln composition
Soundtrack info: https://www.soundtrack.net/album/the-island/
11min loop in case you can't get enough or need inspiring background music: https://youtu.be/koKuExTsEDg?si=OQT2xH01YhE0N05j