posted ago by Retaining_H2O ago by Retaining_H2O +51 / -0
  1. Since when has any serious "Situation Room" meeting been televised live?

  2. What would Joe Biden's input be in that Situation Room meeting? "Mlkponho ciodifn gidkvjha vbbbbbbbrrrr... I mean C'mon, man!!!" "Just do it, you know... the thing. Iran needs to know that we wont have, uhhhhh, that we, uhhhh, well, just make 'em stop, right?"

  3. Will Jill Biden be there holding Joe Biden's hand the whole time and telling him what to say?

  4. What about Kamala? Is future Prez candidate going to put her 2-cents into the conversation?

Stay tuned to find out. :>)