posted ago by Rocketeer ago by Rocketeer +60 / -0

Right after the 2020 election was called for Joe Biden, there was a video released (on November 7) of Kamala Harris calling Biden and saying "We did it, Joe!"


In July 2024, Harris made a public appearance in which Biden supposedly called in live (some people think it was an AI voice) over the phone:


Also in July 2024, there was a video of Kamala Harris being called over the phone by the Obamas to announce that they were endorsing her:


Now there's a new video of her calling Tim Walz to tell him that she has picked him as her running mate:


All of these instances are obviously staged. I also seem to vaguely recall one or two other similar staged calls with Kamala Harris (I think one was between her and a celebrity).

[EDIT: Thanks to u/winn in the moments below, I found out that the call with a celebrity that I vaguely remembered was this one with Taraji P. Henson:


And thanks to u/AllMostThere, I found out about this incident I'd never heard before:

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/galleries/article-13701457/Kamala-branded-fake-photo-chatting-Alexey-Navalnys-widow.html ]

Why? I don't recall any other politician participating in so many clearly staged, filmed phone calls. Why does Kamala Harris do it so much? It's like a trademark for her at this point.