Blaming all our problems on some boogeyman cabal that is the root of all our problems will not solve our actual problems long term. There is obviously a cabal, but there are just as obviously competing ideologies for the hearts and minds of all Americans. And leftism is a particularly insidious one, as all observation of it shows us.
The enemy of our enemy is only our friend until we defeat our shared enemy. Then we have to contend with the fact that our "friend" wants to murder unborn babies and trans the ones who get through alive. The cabal didn't make them support that shit.
Blaming all our problems on some boogeyman cabal that is the root of all our problems will not solve our actual problems long term. There is obviously a cabal, but there are just as obviously competing ideologies for the hearts and minds of all Americans. And leftism is a particularly insidious one, as all observation of it shows us.
The enemy of our enemy is only our friend until we defeat our shared enemy. Then we have to contend with the fact that our "friend" wants to murder unborn babies and trans the ones who get through alive. The cabal didn't make them support that shit.